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Dwayne Johnson Become Super Daddy In SNITCH

Dwayne Johnson's career in film is fairly good if observed from a number of films starring annually. However, these roles are still struggling in roles requiring physical action.

As in his latest film, the Snitch, he again became the main character in the story of drug kingpin crackdown. In the film, Dwayne Johnson plays a father who is trying to free his son who was caught in the prison.

The only way that can be done to save her son is to capture the leadership of drug kingpin. Johnson became a super dad for fighting against drug kingpin in order to save his son.

Snitch has the potential to become a regular movie since Johnson had a role similar to diving in WALKING TALL. Line of strong supporting players such as Michael Kenneth Williams, Barry Pepper, Harold Perrineau, and Susan Sarandon movie could be a lifesaver.

The film is to test the role of Johnson as a father can be a filler of time before we will see action in the FAST SIX and GI JOE.

You can watch the Snitch Trailer here:

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